Tracking AK

Currently Targeting... Latest Upgrade

Latest Upgrade

scheduled today. Cant wait! Its never been so exciting. I know the functionality is there, if only we can get thru the initial problems we’re having with the new platform. There are a few little bugs and glitches in implementing the new kernel, but once those are taken care of, it’ll be golden. Actually, its not that sure the functionality is there, but we can see the horizon at least. And that counts for something. its not like there are an endless number of problems installing the thing. Just a very high number. But its still a number and all we have to do is increment it one by one and we’ll reach the final number. Which hasnt been set yet, but we are pretty sure its finite. And if its not, we can just make a few short cuts, remove some functionality… who’ll notice? All that matters is for our ideas to stay visionary, even if the products are imaginary. I just received an email today actually that offered nothing but a rosy outlook. So we’ll just keep working… the upgrade will be awesome. Totally exciting…

February 2, 2008
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