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Currently Targeting... Ray Lynch, New-Old Alterno Emo New-Age Rockster

Ray Lynch, New-Old Alterno Emo New-Age Rockster

Ray Lynch, famed new-age Wyndam Hill musician of classic albums such as “The Sky of Mind” (1983), “Deep Breakfast” (1984), “No Blue Thing” (1989), and “Nothing Above My Shoulders but the Evening” (1993), apparently has sold out to the infamous plagiarist, Dr. Ronald Chevalier… however, its just a suspicions, and suspicious minds think suspiciously. Thats why ive created a good playlist of some Ray Lynch youtube musics for listening enjoyments.

Ray Lynch The Oh of Pleasure

Ray Lynch Celestial Soda Pop (via japan)

Ray Lynch Here and Never Found (best video still ever?)

Ray Lynch Falling In The Garden

October 5, 2009
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