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One unexamined question behind the Eliot Spitzer debacle today is: whats up with the nation known for its [enforced] sexyness? Has the swinging America that promised freedom and expression to flourish lost its touch?  A nation that has often led in civil rights and intellectual opportunities for women seems to continually step back into prudishness when confronted with hypocrisies of political dudes.  The problem gets phrased as a failure of moral certitude, when the real problem that should be discussed might be more about why power, women, and sex are always linked in such a staid matrix. Spitzer failed a clear political line, as the noosphere indicates, but what about the utterly lucrative and often oppressively defining roles of the women involved in the field? Making money off of the man has to occur under such an umbrella of silence in public that there might as well be a big burka cast over the entire discussion. There are many more complications to such political windbags, and with Hillary running, against a backdrop of the Bill, why cant these types of discussions get more complicated in the media? The standard lines are so the-earth-was-created-6000-years-ago ago. Its only really exciting when Republicans get involved. Their denials sound so endearingly pitiful, you just want to hug them.

March 10, 2008
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